How to Make Money With YouTube Shorts With AI

How to Make Money With YouTube Shorts With AI

YouTube shorts are making people tens of thousands of dollars per month and up until recently nobody knew how. Now, this might sound crazy due to the fact that most people don’t think that shorts pay any money at all, but I’d love to introduce you to something called the SAS, also known as the Shorts AI System. You’ve probably already seen tons of channels implementing this system on YouTube and making tons of money from it, but you probably didn’t even know they were doing it, let alone how much money a lot of these channels could be making.

Can You Actually Make Money With YouTube Shorts?

You might be wondering, Matt, can I actually make money with YouTube shorts? I thought they didn’t pay out any money, and even if they did, isn’t it just a tiny amount? Well, up until a year ago, shorts did not pay out any money. But around then, they released a program where they now pay out 10 to 20 cents per thousand views on shorts. You might be saying, Matt, that doesn’t sound like a lot. Wouldn’t I have to get millions upon millions of views to make any sizable amount of money? But here’s the thing about shorts: it’s 10 times easier to get tons of views with YouTube shorts as opposed to long-form YouTube videos, and it’s also way easier to get views as opposed to other platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels.

How the SAS System Works

Basically, the way that the SAS system works is you go to some special AI software, generate YouTube shorts with it, repurpose these shorts to make them more valuable, and then you monetize them so you can potentially make tons of money from them.

My Journey and Introduction to Faceless YouTube Channels

My name is Matt Par, also known as Make Money Matt, and just a couple of years ago I was a completely broke high school student. But all I knew was that I didn’t want to have to work a 9-to-5 job for the rest of my life. I found out about this thing called faceless YouTube channels. These are essentially channels where I would generate things like top 10 videos, and within two years I was making more money than even my parents at the time. And this is back when YouTube paid out a lot less per thousand views. Now they pay out a lot more, and today I run over 12 different YouTube channels. I’ve made millions of dollars online, and I’ve gotten billions of views across the content that I put out there on the internet.

My Initial Thoughts on YouTube Shorts

Now, you might be saying, Matt, that’s great, you’re talking about long-form content, but what about shorts? Can I actually make money with shorts? Now, in the past, I personally have been pretty against doing short-form content. This is because long-form content paid a lot better. I didn’t want to be investing hours of my time into shorts if I wasn’t going to make much, if any, money from it. Sure, a lot of views were cool. I had friends who were getting millions of views with short-form content, but they weren’t making any money from it. I wanted to make money for my channels as well.

Realizing the Potential of Shorts

But this all changed in the past few months when one of my students in my course, Tube Mastery and Monetization, showed me him making thousands of dollars per month. And here’s the kicker—it was with only short-form content. There wasn’t a single long-form video on his channel, yet he was making a full-time income from it. At this point, I had to set aside my ego and what I thought I knew, and I looked into it, and yes, it’s true—it’s actually possible now to make a lot of money from YouTube shorts alone.

The Work Involved in Creating Shorts

Now, short-form content is a lot easier to generate than long-form content, but it still takes work. Instead of uploading three videos per week like I do on a lot of my long-form channels, you want to be uploading at least one video a day on shorts channels. And if you spend hours on every single short, that amount of time and work and energy can definitely add up.

Leveraging AI Tools for Efficiency

You’re probably aware of the AI revolution going on right now, and I’m using that to help run my 12 different YouTube channels. I even made a software called Tube Magic, which will come up with ideas, write your scripts, and even optimize your videos for you to help you go viral. I’m using that myself on all of my channels. Thousands of people have signed up with Tube Magic, and tons of huge YouTubers are using it. It’s a game-changing tool.

Introducing Vid.AI for Video Generation

But Tube Magic doesn’t do one thing—it does not actually generate your videos for you. Now, there are a lot of AI video generation tools out there, but none of them are perfect. Some do clips, some do AI-generated videos, some do stock content, but there’s no software that does it all and does it all perfectly. And that’s why I’ve spent over six figures in the past few months of my life with my team creating something that will do it all. And that software is called Vid.AI.

The Benefits of Vid.AI

The thing is that long-form content is hard to do, even if you’re using AI to do it. There’s a lot of complexity involved, a lot of bandwidth costs, and so it didn’t make sense to start with long-form content. So, we’re initially launching Vid.AI to do just shorts. And this interweaved perfectly with what I saw many of my students making a ton of money with shorts. Over the next few months, we’re going to invest all of the money into Vid.AI into doing long-form and all the other things that I just mentioned and a lot more.

Demonstrating Vid.AI’s Functionality

Now, instead of just talking about Vid.AI, let me show you what it can do and how it can help you. So, if we jump onto Vid.AI right here and we open the app, all you have to do is click “Create a new video,” and then you can literally type out what you want your video to be about. For example, let’s say we wanted to make a YouTube short about the best countries to retire with $1,000 per month.

Vid.AI’s Features for Customizing Shorts

Then you can select a voice, and yes, my voice is on there. You can choose any of these voices right here, and then you can select how you want your video to look. I usually go with “natural,” but you can also choose things like anime, cinematic, line drawing, watercolor, oil painting, pixel art, as well as even gameplay videos. So you can have Minecraft players, Subway Surfers, in the background of your videos.

Creating and Downloading Shorts Using Vid.AI

Just like that, we have an amazing short-form piece of content that’s done for us. And then you can simply click this button, download the video, upload it to YouTube shorts, and you could generate potentially hundreds of these videos every single month across multiple different niches, and all you need is a couple to blow up to potentially make tons of money.

Previewing and Managing Created Videos

The epic thing about Vid.AI is that if you go back to your homepage right here, all of the videos that you’ve generated are saved for you to be able to go back to, you can preview them, and so forth.

Expanding Content Options with Vid.AI

You’re not just limited to this type of content. For example, if we go to create new, you could choose an input like motivational stories, animal facts, fun facts, scary stories, life hacks, philosophy, and more.

The Cost and Benefits of Vid.AI

Now, it doesn’t make sense to launch Vid.AI at full price since we’re just doing shorts right now, so we’re allowing people to try it out at a heavy discount before we raise the price back up to $100 per month. And then anybody who signs up is grandfathered into that price, even when you get the new features, even when the price for everybody else is put up. You get that grandfathered price for life.

The Future of Vid.AI and YouTube Shorts

In the next video in this series, I’m going to be revealing the best niches for doing YouTube shorts that are actually getting a ton of views right now and that can actually potentially make a ton of money.


So, if you’re excited and ready to start your journey with Vid.AI and YouTube shorts, click the link below to get access at a huge discount. I hope you’re as excited as I am about what’s to come.


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